"The ultimate measure of a person is not where one stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where one stands in times of challenge and controversy." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Now is not the time for silence, now is the time for us to raise our collective voices together. We at Alternatives for Better Living ask you to stand with us against the racial injustice in this country. It is a time for fierce anti-racism. It is time for change. Enough needs to finally be enough. Black Lives Matter.
At Alternatives we believe that all of us are alike in that we are each seeking happiness and satisfaction in our lives. We succeed or fail in this effort because of what we have experienced in the past, what we know now, and how we feel about ourselves.
We encourage you to join us in listening, learning and taking action in whatever way you can. Below you will find a list of resources. It is our hope that you will find your voice and use it. Sign a petition, peacefully protest, educate yourself, donate to the cause. We can all do something in some way. We are not hopeless and we will not lose hope. We can create change if we all raise our voices and work hard TOGETHER.
Petitions to Sign:
Places to Donate & Get Involved:
Books to Read:
Voices to Listen to: